"He who knows what sweets and virtues are
in the ground, the waters, the plants, the
heavens, and how to come at these
enchantments, is the rich and royal man."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

What the World Eats in a Week:

A Dollar A Day! $1/person/day

A Dollar A Day!  $1/person/day
We were blown away by all the Coke and other multi-national labels in the hungry planet video clip above that seemed to permeate the tables and kitchens all over the world! It would appear us Earthlings can't live without our sugar water (or make that high fructose corn syrup water). Our backdrop is the only Pepsi you'll see in this month's photos. Aleli has nicknamed this old half of a tin sign, " Food Shortage".

Monday, August 11

Here's what's poppin'

We started the day with some free day old muffins and a little cold cereal with milk. The kids had plans with some friends in town for a pizza lunch and a game of Risk at their house. James ate lunch for free at work. So lunch at home was a simple and free leftover bowl of soup, potato wedges and apple juice. These were all end of the day cast offs from a restaurant ( good enough to eat, not fit to sell) and so lunch cost us nothing. Even the apple juice was at expiration date and therefor free....................and it was organic........bonus!

White bean soup. Even better the next day!

A couple days ago we brought our neighbors some free leftover baked goods . And today they brought us this homemade chocolate zucchini bread. It was divine! We saw the baby drop a crumb, a teeny, tiny crumb, while he was eating it. He bent down and, using his best fine motor skills, retrieved the crumb and gobbled it up before we could intercept this rather unhygienic practice. Anyway, it was THAT good. We'll post the recipe once we get it from the neighbors.

Cooing bite by bite.

Everyone gets lost in the zucchini laden moment. Such a treat.

Dinner time was fast approaching and the fridge held all the promise of a Tex Mex meal. We put on a pot of brown Jasmine rice, browned some ground turkey, added corn, black beans,tomatillo, tomato, onion, garlic and other seasonings. We smothered another butternut squash with a little oil, butter and brown sugar and placed it in the oven. These summer days are perfect for dining outside. So we enjoyed our southwestern grub out on the patio with some more nearly expired apple juice. Our 12 year old in particular was a big fan of this could-be-burrito-filling meal. Dinner cost about $3.25 with plenty of rice, etc leftover for tomorrow. We had a little monetary jiggle room since most of the days eats were free again.

I heart butternut squash!

The 12 year old goes back for seconds.

The perfect food.....now if only we had a solar oven to bake it all in. Too hot to cook!!!!

After an evening swim, we tucked the fantastic four into bed and settled in for a monday munchies and movie night ("Triple M")...... just us big kids. James shook up some sweet and salty kettle corn. The kernels and recipe were a gift from one of Aleli's five brothers. The sugar, oil, and salt came from our pantry. The shaking was provided by James. The movie, Juno, was a loan from our friends. Man, who doesn't love popcorn and a good movie with the one you love!

James shakes it like a Polaroid picture.

Next time we make this maybe we'll watch King Corn. teehee! ;) http://kingcorn.net/

Kettle Corn

1 cup popping corn

1/2 cup oil

1/2 cup sugar

* In a pot with lid, get the oil super hot. Add the sugar. Shake a bit to blend. The second the sugar and oil start to caramelize, add the kernels of popping corn. Cover and shake over the burner until last kernel pops. Promptly remove from heat and salt to taste. Let cool and then break it up. Enjoy. For best results use a nice jumbo variety of popcorn.

Check in tomorrow to see what's poppin' ...........

1 comment:

RicEstrada said...

Is your stove gas or electric? We've tried making this Kettle corn recipe twice using our electric range and both times reaped carcinogenic results. . .ie., beyond toastie and definitely not edible. We'll try again keeping the heat a bit lower. Yours looks s-o-o-o yummy.

Love this blog. Look forward to reading your next adventure when I finally get to the computer way too late at the end of the day.

Big Hug,
Mom E.

A food for thought video. A must see for all! Enjoy!

And now a word on organics. "Grocery Store Wars"

Food, Glorious Food!

A Dollar a Day is all it takes: Plumpy' Nut...... a life saver.....please watch and think