That, however, is yesterdays news. Today was another poignant reminder that we are in fact having an ADVENTURE with food. We know that food truly can be medicine. It has healing properties if you prescribe the right thing for what ails ya ......... but it can also take a more poisonous and sinister place in your system as we once again experienced this evening. For any individuals with food allergies I'm sure you understand the severity of this next bite. A couple months ago baby Juju had a serious allergic reaction to split pea soup. After a trip to the E.R. and a prescription for the wonderful, stupid and miraculous "Epipen Jr." (it's a love/ hate thing we have going on), we were left shaken but confident in our ability to keep split peas off the grocery list (it's not like every American kid has them in their lunchbox every day at school..... easy enough). We discovered today however, during our delicious, nutritious free lunch of lentil soup and baguette that it's time to 86 another legume! Stat! Farewell my yummy bean of the past. We loved you well little lentil. (weep, sob, sniff)
Baby with his first line of defense..... pre-measured children's liquid Benadryl.