"He who knows what sweets and virtues are
in the ground, the waters, the plants, the
heavens, and how to come at these
enchantments, is the rich and royal man."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

What the World Eats in a Week:

A Dollar A Day! $1/person/day

A Dollar A Day!  $1/person/day
We were blown away by all the Coke and other multi-national labels in the hungry planet video clip above that seemed to permeate the tables and kitchens all over the world! It would appear us Earthlings can't live without our sugar water (or make that high fructose corn syrup water). Our backdrop is the only Pepsi you'll see in this month's photos. Aleli has nicknamed this old half of a tin sign, " Food Shortage".

Sunday, August 10

The best things in life are free

Today we got our feet back on the ground financially with very simple meals. It was cheap cereal for breakfast, egg and bean burrito for lunch with leftover grapefruit slices and birthday cake, it was to be chili mac for dinner with some sliced veggies. Simple. Affordable.

But the best parts of the day came to us absolutely gratis. We all needed to let our hair down after yesterdays busy, hot rush. In the late morning as we were doing some organizing in the house, the doorbell rang. It was our neighbors with a huge juicy plate of sliced watermelon. They bought it very afford ably, but it was a 14 pound monster. The three of them couldn't eat it alone. So we had a short but juicy sweet visit with them, all the while enjoying the quintessential taste of summer. The plate was empty by the time we thought to take a picture.

The next simple pleasure was a sliced cucumber (free from our Food Not Lawns friends) at dinner time. It was crisp and sweet and perfect all on its own. It was the first thing to disappear that night. There was a race to the last slice.

Chili mac, sliced cucumber, zucchini spears and a cool evening.

And finally, we enjoyed the group effort of removing the sunflower seeds from that big sunflower head we brought home days ago. It had been propped up on an old wood slat of our fence, drying in the sun since Friday. We were all eager to see what sunflower seeds were like straight from the source.

Before washing and roasting we had some fun with the non industrial reality of these home grown sunflowers. It's so hard not to play with your food!

A food for thought video. A must see for all! Enjoy!

And now a word on organics. "Grocery Store Wars"

Food, Glorious Food!

A Dollar a Day is all it takes: Plumpy' Nut...... a life saver.....please watch and think