The word of the day is BEANS! Here are some images and moments from yesterday, August 4.

For both lunch and dinner we had two variations of leftover beans. Above is Aleli's reheat of the night before. James totally kicked it up a notch last night though by adding cheese and other savory ingredients, and by starting it all off with these awesome fried cinnamon/ sugar tortilla triangles.Mmmmmm, sooo good! Quite delectable! Unfortunately we don't have any pictures of his dinner. Aleli was feeling downright cranky, hungry, tired, covered in prickly pear thorns (ouwie!James fingers were a pin cushion too) and unphotogenic. No pictures, please. Word to the wise: Changing your diet overnight can also change your outlook! Alot!

Anyway, the three older kids and Aleli went romping through more public veggie gardens yesterday as well. Here are their finds and some pix to enjoy. Look for the teeny lizard that crawled onto the mustard greens sign in the pic with boy and blackberries. Adorable little reptile!